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男找女 (7304)
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stary stary night

年齡: 30
頭髮/眼睛: 不願透露/大而明亮
身高/體型: 5'6", 中等身型
嗜好: 藝術
抽煙: 偶然
飲酒: 不飲
性格: 愛獨特
喜歡的寵物: 喜歡所有動物
喜歡的食物: 中菜 · 海鮮
所在地: 其他地方
職業: 其他
學歷: 不願透露
婚姻狀況: 未婚
宗教: 無宗教
I carry the stars of summer, passing by a window. A woman is waiting at the door and missing the Sun. She knew that the noise of the earth must be the music of the air. In a Chinese summer evening, sparrows sing on the internet, where in a Chinese poem sings too: “guan-guan go the ospreys, on the islet in the river...I hear the voice you are calling, in a remote place behind the mountain. I was a knight, occasionally passed by your red window in the Spring-Autumn Time, in a dream traced back to hundred thousand years of China. In Dang-Dynasty, we were schooling at the college where you dressed as a boy. In the Qing-Dynasty, I was a sailor. In a harbour of south China. In 2006, I am back.

人氣度 17 , 回覆度 5 , 及已儲存度 0